Saturday, October 22, 2011

typed out

My last post was err ages ago, here goes…….I’ve been jotting day by day what to put into it and BOOM!!! Out server crashes along with my pc, good thing about that is been in Julian’s office. The man cave as I’ve dubbed it since, since the IT guy hasn’t returned that is.
Anyway a lot of work has been lost and is currently been retrieved by some professional computer genius but until such time I’ve just gone ahead and redone some of the work. Call it impatience uhm. Needless to it has affected my PSS portfolio but I’ll get it done soon, consolidate it lol a word I hear often on campus. ( I use commas alot hmmmm just noted ) Mr Jackson was at my office today, unfortunately the weather’s not playing along for a beach chill out moment sigh.
Even that’s not 100%, is anything ever??? Back to the real ‘backup’, a few months to block 2, phew crazy hectic stomach wrenching Monday/Tuesday but let’s skip that one hehe. Sustainability SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY ! IT’S on the menu, in our mouths, down our throats and been digested by the commercial green designers blah blah bla.  ( server down again) ok shoved down our throats is a bit harsh! I’m just a ‘lil annoyed by the fashion of the GREEN building-in the realm of the student’s studio it’s just a bunch of slap a lil grass on the roof kinda design that’s happening-case and point Thomas Patullo building office foyer exhibition! Perhaps I’m a lil too brash or cynical (seems to be how I come across when talking about the subject at the office). In industry there’s alotta TALK, sure talk is good to raise awareness and consciousness but at some point it should be enough! What’s the next step? How do we do it?  I swear I had a better argument but unfortunately I’m pressed for time right now lol.
Still haven’t figured that expression out but ironically it describes my disposition best mostly and my head lol ouch! How bout we do models for sustainability when building community housing? Precedent has been set if one takes a look at green schools that have been built in recent years. How do we insist/force passively to government officials to take architects and professionals alike seriously? Surely there’s a buck in Green dressing. Sustainability probably also best describes what an architectural practice try to achieve, the principal’s career that is.
Going to miss the office but it’s just for a week so I’ll survive. The St Michael’s project is gonna be fun. The essays for the MIP were a great idea. I initially thought it’s just an attempt to get us to do more precedent studies but it’s been quite informative. The broader aspect of multi-grade education plus examples of green schools etc gives one, the pessimist in me, the willingness to seek information on projects that have substance and make a concerted difference and not be bothered with the fashionable green craze that architects subscribe to....some architects J .......for sustainable reasons ofcourse wink wink
My boss Julian Cooke gave a lecture at the cape institute for architects, he does quite a few of those been a professor at UCT, also our office hosted 3 Mexican architects that explored the work of community housing in South Africa.
I can’t wait to get back onto the Stander House project as Westcape is becoming annoying again lol, other than that I seem to be coping well in the office with the flow of everything.