Friday, November 18, 2011

The Daily Monthly

Wednesday mawnin…….usual bland middle working week day that somehow always manages to live up to my expectation of it been bland /laborious, anyway my bosses are out of the office today-one on site and the other examining at UCT.

Settling in back at the office was a bit of a task and ofcourse my Autocad gave me hassles. Not much to really do since I have a pile of work waiting to be checked by my boss Simone who’s been out the office more……….site visits and meetings.

So my choice of productivity is getting my essay part 4 started and doing blog entries of the St. Michael’s School design-build.

Here goes………..

Block 3

Block’s kinda scare me initially ‘ços I don’t exactly have an idea of what’s gonna happen, well there is a programme but in terms of anything that requires me to step out the box a lil……a lil more shall I say.

Greenpoint Biodiversity park wow, participated more than I observed. Something to do with those awesome play areas. Feedback afterwards was interesting, as much as I don’t speak up ( working on that ug) I did notice how much more the lecturers noted in the design in terms of things that were an afterthought both aesthetically and technically.

Day 1

7am I made it! Coffee in the morning and green says go. I think if we had to go work in mines for two weeks I wouldn’t have minded at that point, a break from the office is always welcomed especially when things ‘grow’ on you namely projects that almost never seem to end and so comes with it tedious tasks.  The design-build project was a reminder that continuous office CAD based work is definitely not for me!

Work contribution

Varnishing timber beams. Not exactly what I thought I’d start out doing but in the end it worked out considering how unfit I am phew! Ok the real reason is that the guys in particular made a run for the tech tools, cranes and tractors (mild exaggeration). Either excitement or something to do with macho-ness I dunnnooo.

Day 2

Work contribution

Removal of plants/trees along elevated walkway for the commencement of the deck construction. Back to the ‘factory’ as we coined it, this would be the hall, at this point it became apparent to me that certain committee members are taking their roles a bit too seriously! Perhaps they had a graduation back at the cottage and are now qualified architects or project managers???  All that aside for the greater good by just ignoring the obnoxious breed, that been said I would not tolerate been treated in a condescending manner.

Day 3

At this point I thought my calling would be varnishing lol Not that it’s a bad thing! There’s always ways to make things fun so I guess joking and laughing about helps, the vibe with the other students and been in a school environment made me more observant, which |I can be by default……….a natural disposition shall we say.

By now we were in the swing of things so once we got on to site we pretty much knew what to do and if there wasn’t much to do where you were then go fill in gaps. The morning briefing sessions made a huge difference with some guidance from Rudolph which creates some kind of structure which I need almost always lol. It’s just the bottom line, direction, order or perhaps my ‘perfectionist’ tendencies which is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to thinks. Seriously though it made a difference in terms of daily goals and reflections and more importantly, to me anyway, some authority on the project. Today’s Westcape site meeting was a good example of the importance of organization!

Day 4

Saturday that is………….cleaning the metal roof sheeting was a breeze whilst having a music session outside with Tbos, Staci and Phiwe. Desperately trying to get some sunshine D! So after cleaning the sheets we had to put the flashing on over the holes and once that was all done filed in some gaps and went to check the site out…..upstairs we would say.

Day 5

Today I tried to do something a ‘lil different, breaking rocks with Noel seemed to be outta my comfort zone down in the factory. Generally I’m not inclined to do DIY projects because of the process, case and point is a construction site-don’t like the mess! Lol something I’m almost over haha. Anyway on to the next……….. Sunday break

Day 6

Tuesday’s child has no work to do….in the factory atleast. Clearing up random stuff and handing tools around was order of the day, the usual site politics which turned out to be a collective concerning a few class members who-the express graduates lol. Ironically things that bug one become a laughing matter, I suppose that’s been mature or maybe just getting over it.  I can’t remember what day we painted the roof sheetings…..hmm prob a paint high…..but we did indeed.

Day 7

Break……..movies and my warm bed ah! Ok I took a day-off, honesty to my detriment? I hope not! The main roof structure was to be erected and there wasn’t much to be done so hence the reason to keep off site. Having nothing to do makes the day seem 50 hours long.

Day 8

Busy day and quite interesting……interesting because the compost guy’s here and wataloigot (smarties) I’m a chocolate junkie if ya didn’t know. Alotta info and it was fun again.  Got to paint a wall on the inside of the new fireplace/braai area. The school’s caretaker decided to take the lead and instruct me to change the colour lol 

I also managed to help paint the stripes on the hand-over wall, I thought the stripes alone was a bit bland but the added hand marks made it better. I guess symbolically it’s quite cool!

Day 9 the end

Quite sadly it had to end and the ‘lil ceremony was quite nice. I do feel that there needs to be a more social impact on the school kids in terms ok skills/knowledge, not necessarily from our department which helps with the physical environment, but some kind of mind shift or exposure……………I dunno just something that broadens the mind!

Monday morning back at the office was terrible! Terrible! Dramatic yes but I just had the feeling that I should be on a bus heading to site lol. 2012 I guess……………………..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

typed out

My last post was err ages ago, here goes…….I’ve been jotting day by day what to put into it and BOOM!!! Out server crashes along with my pc, good thing about that is been in Julian’s office. The man cave as I’ve dubbed it since, since the IT guy hasn’t returned that is.
Anyway a lot of work has been lost and is currently been retrieved by some professional computer genius but until such time I’ve just gone ahead and redone some of the work. Call it impatience uhm. Needless to it has affected my PSS portfolio but I’ll get it done soon, consolidate it lol a word I hear often on campus. ( I use commas alot hmmmm just noted ) Mr Jackson was at my office today, unfortunately the weather’s not playing along for a beach chill out moment sigh.
Even that’s not 100%, is anything ever??? Back to the real ‘backup’, a few months to block 2, phew crazy hectic stomach wrenching Monday/Tuesday but let’s skip that one hehe. Sustainability SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY ! IT’S on the menu, in our mouths, down our throats and been digested by the commercial green designers blah blah bla.  ( server down again) ok shoved down our throats is a bit harsh! I’m just a ‘lil annoyed by the fashion of the GREEN building-in the realm of the student’s studio it’s just a bunch of slap a lil grass on the roof kinda design that’s happening-case and point Thomas Patullo building office foyer exhibition! Perhaps I’m a lil too brash or cynical (seems to be how I come across when talking about the subject at the office). In industry there’s alotta TALK, sure talk is good to raise awareness and consciousness but at some point it should be enough! What’s the next step? How do we do it?  I swear I had a better argument but unfortunately I’m pressed for time right now lol.
Still haven’t figured that expression out but ironically it describes my disposition best mostly and my head lol ouch! How bout we do models for sustainability when building community housing? Precedent has been set if one takes a look at green schools that have been built in recent years. How do we insist/force passively to government officials to take architects and professionals alike seriously? Surely there’s a buck in Green dressing. Sustainability probably also best describes what an architectural practice try to achieve, the principal’s career that is.
Going to miss the office but it’s just for a week so I’ll survive. The St Michael’s project is gonna be fun. The essays for the MIP were a great idea. I initially thought it’s just an attempt to get us to do more precedent studies but it’s been quite informative. The broader aspect of multi-grade education plus examples of green schools etc gives one, the pessimist in me, the willingness to seek information on projects that have substance and make a concerted difference and not be bothered with the fashionable green craze that architects subscribe to....some architects J .......for sustainable reasons ofcourse wink wink
My boss Julian Cooke gave a lecture at the cape institute for architects, he does quite a few of those been a professor at UCT, also our office hosted 3 Mexican architects that explored the work of community housing in South Africa.
I can’t wait to get back onto the Stander House project as Westcape is becoming annoying again lol, other than that I seem to be coping well in the office with the flow of everything.

Friday, July 15, 2011



Scratching council drawings is no fun at all but t I guess it's one of those 'experience' list tick off's. Scratching my head trying to figure out how to get around getting my work sorted out EISH! Banging my head 'cos I lost hardcopy work because I left my flash in my pocket and so it tagged along in my wash cycle, looks clean and new though albeit useless. SIGH!


The past two weeks have hurried by with quite a few 'events'. Gladly I am settled in with the office culture/vibe, which I may add is quite cool-yes cool-we are a min away from the beach dude. I'm alone today at the office lol told my boss I'd have abandonment issues soon. The Landscape architects have found new premises, my co-office-intern-pilot left yesterday as well for 5 month travel break. She'll be compiling a portfolio-FUN! Gonna miss em alot! On the flip side I get to have more responsibility.........



2 months on and I'm still on the Westcape project. I've been to a meeting, done admin, council and everyday I work on the council submission drawings. It get's confusing at times with all the type changes and little site obscurities, add to that the process of admin and liaising with different people. (office phone just rang-5th time now) I have a good idea of what to do going forward with another site  or phase of the project which means I can work a little more independently to a certain degree, unlike in the beginning lol.

More scratching at council today, the most ugly lot of buildings to work in geez. Anyway back at the office again til 6 on a Friday because of approaching deadlines!


New intern at the office, Beth, getting a lil help from her is a bit of a relief. Another good thing is having someone to share lunch with……. pun intended.

 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…………………Friday, July 15, 2011, 6:15 pm

Monday, May 30, 2011

Why do Mondays........

Why do Mondays live up to their reputation??? My computer had to be in on it, conspiring to shut down periodically like the sun. A reminder that lunchtime beach chill out sessions are coming to an abrupt halt!
Feels like I have done absolutely nothing today, just yet anyway, because my work has not been recovered so I keep starting from scratch........well almost.

Facebook's doom these days! Daily views at the class blog make my eyes freeze wide open because the submissions are 'on a roll' so it seems SIG, trying to roll with it lol. My temporary mental retreat is my current read by Barrack Obama. Well lunch is almost over now so this post will be too soon.

Escape: anywhere where there's a constant source of vitamin D! Daydreams are guaranteed to please...........

Sunday, May 29, 2011


After a good few interviews I have landed an internship at Cooke Le fever Architects in Muizenberg. So the daily 8 to 5 routine began and I’m slowly getting into the swing of things…….meaning I ask a little less lol.
New job, new environment, new people and new experiences, one of note is starting to travel by train. It’s a ten minute ride from where I live to get to work and what’s best is getting off onto the station and seeing different hues of sky every morning over the cold sea. Yeah cold just at the sight of it, memory serves me well on the frozen water. Still there are quite a few surfers riding early crashing waves. Black dots far in patiently waiting for that one………..
Muizenberg as I’ve discovered this past month is like a little village and in true small town culture, everybody knows each other so it seems. So my walk down to the office was met with a few stares at the new villager.  A minute from the beach, passing the daily corner hangers (beggars), hangers since my morning routines kind of glamorized……….not exaggerated however. Now how’s this for the ‘perfect location, printers on the corner, bakery and coffee shop and finally The Office. Office environment is relaxed, ‘casual’, quaint and pleasant. Friendly, warm people occupy the space and there’s no boss egoJ.
Ok so my daily tasks have been making amendments to council drawings for Westcape housing project. I’ve been to council and site once and did measuring up of a house that will have a loft addition and a few alterations. Doing office admin and just getting accustomed to the daily functions of what brings it all together. At any given time conversations about architecture, music, weekends etc and sometimes concentrated silence and just the click click of the mouse, some days go quick and some slow sigh.
I’m done stressing about getting a job and more preoccupied with getting up to date with my subject work. I feel miles behind but slowly getting it sorted, I prefer to upload it all at once and not in drips and drabs. My design is finally resolved! I can get a bit carried away in the development process…………………

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I prefer to update anyhting when there's progress........anyway still job hunting, a friend suggested instead of using bow and arrows I should use a gun and bullets. Some needed comic relief I suppose.

After some computer rage I finally redid my hub Design submission and changed format's so it can be uploaded...LATE ug! May have complicated it slightly but it will work out :-). Thought I had this blogging thing down but I need to tweak it a bit more and learn new apps so that I don't have problems again.

I added a new page tab, reFRESH, and the content will be based on design I like and dislike or simply question. Note: we may not like a design but there's always a lesson/principle to learn from it so look closer at the ugly concrete duckling hahahaha....entertaining myself now.

Job search has slowed down but I'm loading my gun again so watch this space __________________